Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Diet ?
Came across this Norman Rockwell painting today and felt it perfect for my thoughts on that topic. It's also known as the "D" word or the dreaded "4-letter word". Let's face it, nobody likes to think of the word Diet, at least not when it comes to the things we especially Like to eat. There are good diets and bad diets. There are several diets I "should be" On. First one that comes to mind is to have a daily diet of reading the Word and fully digesting that. It'd serve me a lot better than some of my food intake. I see myself sort of like the fella in this painting. I surround myself (more often than not) with those things I should not be TEMPTED by. It's only recently come to mind that a Diet is a choice to CHANGE. Whatever you do with a 'New' diet will hopefully lead to "change for the better." That is what I WANT for a lot of reasons that are ALL good. You're invited to help keep me accountable by praying. Thank U.

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