Friday, September 17, 2010

Life is Fragile
~handle with care~
We all know "life is fragile" and we should Handle it with Care. There's times when we get a blazing reminder of how fleeting it can be. Our hearts are heavy for a dear friend who's husband passed away yesterday very suddenly. Denys and Ira were married for 28 years. She has posted on her FaceBook page this comment: "Been married to my best friend for 28 years....." I can only imagine how she felt upon waking this morning. How she and their daughter felt? Ira is a very active man, works hard in the outdoors keeping yard upon yard looking fantastic. Was it the heat? What was it that caused him to collapse and die? It will be a while before the reason comes forth. It is not the main thing right now, however. A wife yesterday morning; a widow come last night. Oh my. Denys is a strong young woman. Her many talents have always impressed me. She is a Realtor and doing very well even in these difficult financial times. You can be darn sure Ira was so proud of her. Denys, many of us have no words that can help, or at least we tell ourselves that. I sure don't other than once I get past the initial shock, I have to Reach UP and ask God to pull us close together and remind us that nothing happens to us that hasn't first been filtered through your hands. You saw fit to allow Ira to come home yesterday. I began humming a song on my way home from picking up my granddaughter......then I sang it..... "when the roll is called up yonder, when the roll is called up yonder - When the Roll is Called up Yonder? When the Roll is called up Yonder, I'll Be There! Rest in Peace, Ira

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